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Pinetree Acupuncture Clinic

 Body composition analysis

We can conduct a body composition analysis determine body fat mass, dry lean mass and skeletal muscle mass which will aid the direction for your diet and weight loss plans.

Q: Why do I need to know how much muscles I have?

A: Muscle consists of water and protein, and having a proper amount of muscle mass is important. If the amount of mineral and muscle mass in the lower body is insufficient, this may overwork the joints and the risk of arthritis will increases.

Q: What is the purpose of fat and how much of it do I need?

A: The InBody identifies the amount of fat in the body along with the appropriate recommended ranges. Body fat accumulation is the result of excess calorie intake. These calories are deposited as fat to preserve energy. Body fat can serve as a protective cushion and a certain amount of fat is considered vital. Too little fat inhibits the body's natural immune response and normal hormone function. Fat insulates the body and can be metabolized to generate heat in response to low temperatures. It is the most concentrated source of caloric energy. Too much body fat can lead to a high risk of disease.

Q: Why can't I base my current health status off of weight alone?

A: The ratio between muscle mass and body fat is more meaningful and important than body weight alone. Muscle is denser and weighs more than fat, so lean, muscular person can weigh more than someone with a higher amount of body fat. Percent Body Fat, rather than weight, is a more accurate means of assessing degrees of obesity or degrees of fitness.

Q: My legs are swollen at all times. Is it due to edema?

A: When the proper balance between liquids inside and outside of cells is broken, you may suffer from swelling. Through the EBW/TBW ratio, body composition analysis is able to show any current imbalance of water throughout the body.

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